Clouds of the Day -Floccus Win the Day - Sunday, November 19, 2023

Here are two cloud types with the same name that do not look alike. Both cloud types are middle level clouds so their name begins with the prefix ‘alto,’ which means high. In the world of clouds any cloud in the mid-levels gets the prefix ‘alto.’ Examples include Altocumulus or Altostratus.

Altocumulus is a mid-level cumulus cloud and Altostratus is a mid-level stratus cloud. Cumulus and stratus clouds are found in the low levels below 6,500 ft. Because the middle layer is above the low level of clouds they are named high cumulus or high stratus - getting the prefix ‘alto.’ Cumulus and stratus in the highest clouds in the troposphere (where our weather occurs) are named Cirrocumulus and Cirrostratus.

Altocumulus floccus - The clouds look like torn tufts of cotton balls.

Altocumulus stratiformis - a continuous cloud layer of large horizontal extent.